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Year 11 English and Literature

Due to CoViD-19, my Year 11 students were unable to sit their IGCSEs. As a replacement, I tasked them with undertaking an extended project to work on in hopes of cultivating their curiousity, nurturing their interests and empowering their unique selves.

Students were given guidelines, but were not limited, in any form or shape, in terms of how they envisioned their public product to be showcased to the public. After weeks of actively research, exploration of the real-world, critical thinking, they are ready to reveal their individual projects.

Be ready to read, watch and listen to their extensive efforts!


Luna Jazayeri

Head of English and ELL

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Al Hafiz Noordin
Al Hafiz Noordin
Jul 02, 2020

Great post. Well done


Jun 11, 2020

An excellent idea that has been executed in an imaginative, innovative and exciting way. Well done to you and Year 11.


Shazana Shajahan
Shazana Shajahan
Jun 05, 2020

Awww. I miss those days.. :(


Unknown member
Jun 05, 2020

Really cool! I almost forgot about this!

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