by Kai Cheng Chong
Cower not, dear child,
While the night is full
Of monsters running wild.
Hearken to the voice
Of sweet nightingales
Warbling harmoniously:
The recipe to assail
Thy demons. Rejoice
As they carol:
“No harm shall come thy way!”
In simple apparel
They perch with poise
And grace abounding
To cure your malady, your afflictions
And end your suffering.
But your choice
To recover from disorder
Is marked by your desire
To connect with each other
In the grimmest of times.
In numbers
With strength,
You stand together unencumbered,
In unison as nightingales
Sing the songs of remedy.
When the sun riseth,
When light doth shine upon malady
Proudly you stand in victory. So
Cower not, dear child,
You are not alone in the wild.
Seek the nightingales,
For they will surely assail
Thy demons.